Sunday, November 14, 2010

JANUARY DATES TO REMEMBER; always check back for changes and updates

JANUARY 2 :  -Parish Potluck and Movie Night
                         -Dinner at 5pm with Movie to Follow
                         -Come out for a fun and relaxing evening as
                           the rush of  the Holiday Season is ending.

COFFEE :  Jan 29th after 5:00 Mass & January 30th after the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses

Starting in January we will be having coffee once a month only. And we may cancell 5:00 coffee on Saturdays due to poor attendance.
JANUARY 10 : Women  of  Grace @ 7pm in the rectory meeting room

JANUARY 24 : Women  of  Grace @ 7pm in the rectory meeting room


Friday, October 29, 2010

DECEMBER DATES to REMEMBER (check back for changes)

DECEMBER 1: CWL Christmas Dinner

DECEMBER  5th @ 9:30 Coffee

DECEMBER 12 @ 11:30 Coffee

DECEMBER 15 Prayer Shawl Meeting @ 7pm

DECEMBER 16: Youth Christmas Party/ Wii Tournament

NOVEMBER DATES to REMEMBER ( check back for changes)

NOVEMBER 1: All Saints Day Mass at 7:00 pm prior to Women of Grace

NOVEMBER 1, 15, 29: Women of Grace in the rectory hall at 7:00 pm

NOVEMBER 8: CWL General Meeting 7:00 pm to talk about Christmas dinner, 2010 budget

NOVEMBER 17: Prayer Shawl Meeting in the parish hall @ 7pm- If you would like to make prayer shawls please bring yarn and needles, patterns will be available. (Some yarn will also be available)

NOVEMBER 18: Wii Tournament

                                                           14th @  9:30,
                                                           21st @ 11:30,
                                                           27th @  5pm

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dates to Remember in October (Check Back for Changes)

GENERAL MEETING:October 26 @ 6:45  Christ the King Snack Program. Prayer Blankets, Habitat for Humanity, Letters to Servicemen and Women



Sunday, September 19, 2010


I attended my first CWL Regional Meeting as president of St Basil's CWL yesterday . Our vice-president, Barb, also attended and it was an adventure to be sure. A lot of laughs all the way there and home.
It was a very worthwhile day and I am so glad I went. The Regional executive is very capable and so willing to help and guide in every way.
We were treated to muffins, breads, cheese, tea and coffee etc in the morning and sandwiches, desserts, vegetables, chips,  tea and coffee for lunch.
The meeting went smoothly and everyone was well prepared. We actually finished early which was a real treat after sitting so long.
I have to admit both Barb and I were ready to hit the sofa and relax for a while when we got home, but I'm excited and look forward to my first Provincial meeting next year.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parish Bazaar

Just a reminder to get your baking and knitting ready because the Parish Bazaar is right around the corner.
The date is Oct 23. Bring in your articles to donate to the Church hall the day before.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


CONGRATULATIONS!... to the winner of the August lottery draw for the $25.00 floral basket from Ray's Flowers. The winning ticket was drawn after the 5:00 Mass "Coffee" on August 28, 2010.  I will be calling the lucky winner tomorrow - all I can say is their initials are F.P. and whoever it is was at the 5:00pm Mass on August 28.

Next month's raffle prize is a $35.00 ice cream cake donated by the "Marble Slab Creamery" at the Walmart Plaza. Just open the door of the Creamery for the mouth watering aromas that hit you as soon as you walk in. Yum!  The cake can be ordered for pick-up anytime or you can walk in and pick from the ready made cakes in their freezer. It would make a great dessert for Thanksgiving (not too far around the corner), a birthday party, a special occasion, or just for the fun of it.

Purchase your tickets at Parish Coffee - in the hall off Crown Street- held after the various week-end Masses during the month of September 2010. Tickets are 2 for a $1.00 or 5 for $2.00. The money from the raffle will help cover our costs.

Thanks so much for your attendance and also for supporting the new CWL's efforts to build a stronger and more vibrant parish community (knowing that the parish is already the best in Brantford....ok, I'm just  a little prejudiced!).


Thursday, August 26, 2010


Anyone that is interested in one of these meeting ideas or getting involved with a project please let me know. (I'll be at Parish Cofffee after Masses or email me) We are counting on the parish to support us in these endeavors to be successful.
It's true that the more you do for others the better you will feel.

Here we go.

All of these projects are important to me but the 2 most important ones I'd like to focus on are:

- To see a St. Basil's parishioner be the next owner of the 2012 Habitat for Humanity home
- Letters and small gifts to servicemen and women in Afghanistan...let them know how much you appreciate there service to our country...I have approached "Starbucks" about joining in their venture to send Starbucks individual instant coffee packets to Afghanistan- their project is going very well...I'll let you know how it goes...I am also trying to get a representative from the Armouries 56th Regiment to speak at a meeting and help with mailings

-School Snack Program...2 times a week prepare and serve snacks at an approved school
-Prayer Blankets...knit or chrochet blankets for the sick in the parish whose families are requesting prayers or anyone you may know that would benefit from receiving one
-Car Wash for Charity ..I think this could be a fun project for young adults and profitable
-Scrapbooking...current events and past...bring in your pictures of any parish events (FamJam, Spring Fling etc)

-Fashion Show..geared mostly to young adults
-Pizza Night for Young Adults...make your pizas in the hall kitchen
-Vet Night..bring your pets and ask questions...maybe even have your pet vaccinated
-Make-Over Night...learn about make-up applications or have a make-over
-Bookclub...get together and discuss books or have a list of suggested reading material
-Meeting geared to the younger girls under 16...a fun night for them (Wii tournament)


The date for the CWL Fall rummage sale is Saturday, November 13, 2010.

Donations will be accepted at the parish hall the day before (Nov12). All reusable items of clothing, furniture, household items, jewellery, books etc are welcome.

There's lots of time to start sorting through all those things that we no longer need but are taking up space.  Get a head start and start putting them aside now. You know you'll feel better when the clutter is cleared :).

"Full of Grace: Women of the Abundant Life"

Just a reminder that our study group based on the book by Johnette Benkovic called "Full of Grace: Women of the Abundant Life" will begin in September. I know everyone is looking forward to it.

Great success to all taking part.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome to the first official Blog of the St. Basil's Parish CWL!

Welcome fellow CWL members and parishioners of St Basil's Parish in Brantford, On. I hope lots of you will get involved and post your own blog so we can make this a fun and informative experience.

I'm afraid I really don't know much (nothing) about blogging or at least how to connect with people right now, so it may be a while before anybody sees this. I was so excited about starting to write that I couldn't wait until I had all the information.

Anyway I would be so excited if someone out there comes across this by accident and actually responds. It would be a thrill for me, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Thank-You to all who have attended Sunday Coffee after Mass over the last three weeks. I hope you are enjoying it and will continue to come.  We plan on going throughout the Fall and Winter and hope to see more attend once the heat of summer is fading and holidays get fewer (what terrible thoughts).

 Our hope is to bring us together as a parish community while also making the CWL a little more visible to the parish. We do many good things in the community that I wasn't aware of until recently. We also are planning to do much more in the community and for the parish this coming year. We hope we can count on you for support.

JoAnne, president St. Basil's CWL

St Basil's CWL

 Welcome! This is the first official Blog ever for St. Basil's CWL.

 I really don't know anything about blogging and how to get people involved so this may take some time before I can actually reach anyone out there. So it would be nice if someone happens to find this and shocks me with a response. I will be so excited. I hope lots of people get involved so we can make this a fun experience.

I know I'm feeeling very strange right now talking to someone that's not even there. But it's actually fun. I keep thinking of the movie "Julie and Julia" for some reason ( I loved it).

I hope to see you all at the CWL meeting in September...I'll let you know the date next time.